The following account of walking on this mountain written by Dad appeared as a comment on Mountain Views where there are several other accounts of this and other mountains available to read also. This can be a great way to research if you are planning any of these climbs. We also found Kieron Gribbon's High Point Ireland website to be a useful source of information for our 32 County High Points challenge. Definitely worth checking out if you're planning to do any of the High Point challenges.

Walk Date: 17 Apr 2016. Dillon and I resumed our CHP challenge for 2016 on Arderin on a cool dry April Sunday. We were now armed with Kieron Gribbon's book "Ireland's County High Points - A Walking Guide" so we were clear on where to park, what the route was and what we were expected to find at the summit to be sure we were at the top of Laois and Offaly. It was a good job we had the book as it would take a bit of searching otherwise on the relatively flat open mountain top. It was a little boggy again but manageable and this short walk meant we had another 2 CHP's complete.
We were back again to Arderin on 31 Dec 2016 to earn the final 15 points for gribboneer-of-the-year Being the last day of 2016 this would be our last chance to boost our points and be in with a chance to earn a place in the competition. It was another early morning start, parking as before, we found the going quite easy after all our recent climbs. The round trip was 1.7Km covered in a bit over a half hour and only rising 78m. It was a very fitting end to 2016 as Arderin was where we resumed our CHP challenge in April of 2016.