The following account of walking on this mountain written by Dad appeared as a comment on Mountain Views where there are several other accounts of this and other mountains available to read also. This can be a great way to research if you are planning any of these climbs. We also found Kieron Gribbon's High Point Ireland website to be a useful source of information for our 32 County High Points challenge. Definitely worth checking out if you're planning to do any of the High Point challenges.

Walk Date: 25 Jun 2016. The journey home from our Donegal holidays took in Monahan's highest point, Slieve Beagh East Top. This was a very boggy walk and difficult enough to navigate due to a lack of features on the landscape. Kieron Gribbons book "Ireland's County High Points - A Walking Guide" proved invaluable here especially to find the high point. There is no issue with height on this one only climbing 110m, it was the boggy ground that needed some extra care. Rachel, Dillon and I were back to the car within 2 hours after covering 6.5Km. We met another County High Point challenger at the start of this one, Marc O'laoghaire of "The County Climb".