These mountains and Highpoints are on The Gribbon List, they will be part of the total metres for my Ten Thousand Metre Challenge, a fundraiser for Mountain Rescue Ireland, you can support by donating at High Point Ireland 10,000m Challenge 2017 fundraiser page.

We wanted to mark "Ireland High Points Week", an initiative Kieron Gribbon of High Point Ireland came up with to help promote the sport of Highpointeering in Ireland. The aim of the week, centred around the longest day, 21 June, is to visit Gribbon locations throughout Ireland and to share stories, photos and videos using the hashtag #IrelandHighPointsWeek. Initially we intended on getting a climb in on 21st of June to mark the week but with a bit of planning we managed to visit a different Gribbon Location every day of Ireland High Points Week.
Day 1 Galtymore #GaltymoreMountain918m


Knockmealdown Mountains in the distance.

Colourful plants.

Curious Cow.

Destination Galtymore in the distance.

Lough Diheen.


Lough Diheen and Cush.

County High Point of Tipperary #GaltymoreMountain918m.

County High Point of Limerick #GaltymoreMountain918m.

Slievereagh in the distance #Slievereagh465m.

lough Curra.

Slievenamon behind the cloud #Slievenamon721m.

Delighted to meet Dylan Ryan, another hiker from Co. Clare out walking with his Dad.

Slievereagh a bit closer #Slievereagh465m.

Paddy O'Donoghue was helping out at the top for the MS charity walk.

The Cross.
Day 2 Knockmealdown #Knockmealdown793m


Start of the climb at the base of Sugar Loaf Hill across from the Baylough car park.

Looking back at Baylough with Galtymore and GaltyBeg in the background #GaltymoreMountain918m.

Top of Sugar loaf Hill.

The path towards Knockmealdown.

Highest point of Waterford #Knockmealdown793m.

Outline of Slievenamon #Slievenamon721m.

2 days before the longest day of the year, a beautiful sunset behind Galtymore.
Day 3 Seefin #SeefinMountain528m


Walking under Blackrock towards Seefin.

Castle Oliver.

Boardwalk a great help over very boggy ground.

Dillon King of the Mountain again #SeefinMountain528m.

Day 4 Knocknaskagh #Knocknaskagh427m


Top of #Knocknaskagh427m.

Day 4 of Ireland High Points Week at the summit of Knocknaskagh the highest point in the Nagles #Knocknaskagh427m
Day 5 Slievereagh #Slievereagh465m


Ireland High Points Week day 5 at Slievereagh #Slievereagh465m
Day 6 Meakstown #Meakstown76m

map(See correction below)

Day 6 Meakstown, Gribbon number 180, for a picture at the highest point in Dublin City Council (See correction below) #Meakstown76m

Correct location of Meakstown (Blue Arrow)
Day 7 Slieve Gullion #SlieveGullion573m


Day 7 Slieve Gullion #SlieveGullion573m